The advantages of vermicomposting are that it is a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer that helps promote plant growth. Every household produces nearly tons of waste every year, and it contributes in the soil pollution. The organic waste collected from the kitchen can be turned into something nutritious for the plants – vermicompost. 

One of the most effective natural processes for creating great garden compost from organic waste is vermicomposting, also referred to as worm composting. Additionally, it is easy to deploy and scalable. Consequently, it is a worthwhile endeavor regardless of the size of your garden. The methods through which worms, bacteria, and fungi decompose organic waste are mimicked in vermicomposting. Even though it uses the same methods, it is far faster. 

There are various advantages of vermicomposting which we are going to discuss through this article. But before that we would learn more about vermicompost, methods to make vermicompost, and benefits. We will also discuss how to buy vermicompost online. Let’s start, shall we?

Advantages Of Vermicomposting

What is Vermicomposting?

Earthworms and microbes are used in the vermicomposting process to break down organic waste. Specific earthworm species, like red wigglers, which are frequently found in compost piles, are used in this process. 

The compost created by the earthworms’ consumption of organic waste is nutrient-rich and perfect for use as a plant and garden fertilizer.

Vermicomposting is an environmentally friendly and organic method of getting rid of organic waste, including food scraps, paper, and yard debris.

Using earthworms speeds up the process and produces compost that is richer in nutrients than what is produced using conventional composting techniques.

One of the advantages of vermicomposting is that it done on a small scale. People are keen to buy Vermicompost online so it can be made into a business.

It is possible to vermicompost both indoors and outdoors.

It is a sustainable method of lowering the volume of trash that is dumped in landfills.

It helps to divert organic waste from the garbage stream and can greatly lower a household’s or company’s carbon footprint.

The resulting vermicompost is a green replacement since it can help to enhance soil health and lessen the demand for synthetic fertilizers.

What is the Advantages of Vermicomposting?

1. Offers More Nutrients 

Vermicompost has higher values of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. These three elements are super important for the growth of plants. Adding vermicompost organic fertilizer in the soil is one of the best ways to ensure that your plants are getting enough nutrients. 

2. No leaching 

Chemical fertilizers are majorly responsible for polluting the soil. It happens because they get leached out pretty easily whereas vermicompost does not get leach out. 

3. Zero Soil Pollution 

Due to the fact that vermicompost is organic, neither does it harm human health nor pollute the soil or water. Additionally, it doesn’t leave a lasting impression. Some chemical fertilizers, such as urea, leave behind an acidic residue that reduces soil production.

4. Improves Soil Texture 

It enhances the soil’s biologic, physical, and chemical characteristics, such as aggregation of soil, porosity, water-holding capacity, buffering capacity, nutrient retention, and microbe population, all of which support the production of our agricultural products.

5. Contains Growth Hormones 

One of the advantages of vermicomposting is that it helps imprtoving growth rate of plants. The fertilizer is rich in enzymes, vitamins, and other vital nutrients such as Gibberellin and Auxin. 

6. Improves Growth of Plants 

The liquid obtained from vermicomposting can directly be sprayed on the leaves. This liquid is beneficial for the growth of plants. 

7. Takes less Space 

A big space is required for composting. People with limited space were unable to produce enough compost. Vermicompost can, however, be produced in a smaller area. Even your terrace is an option. It doesn’t smell bad at all. Vermi bags and bins are readily available for vermicomposting.

8. Ensure Zero Waste 

As mentioned earlier, advantages of vermicomposting includes usage of wastage from the kitchen. A large chunk of household waste can be turned into a nutrients rich fertilizer without much hassle. 

9. Improves Quality of The Harvest

Vermicompost organic fertilizer is free from harmful chemicals. Also it provides essential nutrients for better growth of the plants. In fact, the fertilizer is known to contribute in enhanced taste of the fruits and veggies. This is one of the reasons why people buy Vermicompost online. 

10. Saves Money! 

Vermicompost organic fertilizer is easy to make and it’s economical too. You need not to invest into expensive fertilizers anymore. 

Methods of Creating Vermicompost Organic Fertilizer

The Bed Method

By creating a bed of organic material on the floor, such as one measuring 6 by 6 by 2, you can compost using this approach. Just make sure the floor is not concrete. It’s the simplest method.

Pit Method

A  5*5*3 feet concrete pipe is utilized in the next approach for composting. Thatch grass or any other regionally acceptable material is used to cover the structure. Due to poor aeration, water clogging at the bottom, and the method’s astronomical expense in comparison to other techniques, and hence it is not advised. 

Where to Buy Vermicompost Online?

Several online stores that are into organic products keep vermicompost. You can search for these stores by searching as vermicompost organic fertilizer on the internet. 

FAQs on Advantages of Vermicomposting

Why is Vermicompost different from compost?

Vermicompost is the end product of the decomposition of organic material, whereas compost mostly refers to the byproducts of the biodecomposition of organic material.

Does Vermicomposting need a lot of maintenance?

Vermicomposting does require a lot of maintenance. Regular feed addition is required, and it’s important to take precautions to prevent over-feeding the worms. It shouldn’t be too dry or humid inside the trash container. It is vital to regularly monitor the moisture levels.

What materials can be used in Vermicomposting?

Suitable materials include fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, shredded newspaper, and yard waste. Avoid dairy, meat, and oily foods.

Can I use Vermicomposting in my garden?

Absolutely! Vermicompost is a nutrient-rich fertilizer that enhances soil structure and fertility. Mix it with soil or apply it as a top dressing around plants.

keep your Vermicomposting safe indoors

Keep your bin indoors or in a shaded, well-ventilated area. Avoid extreme temperatures, as worms prefer a stable environment between 55°F to 77°F (13°C to 25°C).

Read More: How to Use Vermicompost in Garden

1 Comment

  1. Lenson Dmello January 30, 2024 Reply

    I need for just sample to see the effects 25kgs of 4 equal 100 kgs- what would be the cost

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