You must have heard from your grandparents about people drinking cow urine to get blessed with good health. Before you make a face, let me tell you that you do not need to drink cow urine (because of the smell, of course) to get health benefits it has to offer. I am going to discuss with you about Benefits Of Gomutra Ark which literally means a distillate of cow urine. It has no bad smell like cow urine but has immense health benefits. Shall we begin?

Benefits Of Gomutra Ark

Cows are worshipped in Indian culture, and it is believed that their byproducts are equally important. Cow urine is one of those. Gomutra Ark is prepared by distillation method and no herb is required. You can easily buy Gomutra ark from local Ayurvedic medicines shops and also from online shops. We strongly recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before you start using Gomutra Ark. It is vital to understand how it is going to work within your body to reap Gomutra ark benefits. 

Gomutra Ark Benefits 

Antimicrobial Properties 

Gomutra ark is antimicrobial in nature. It contains aurum hydroxide (gold), urea, carbolic acid, creatinine, calcium, phenols, and manganese making it a germicide. Gomutra ark benefits include fighting with pathogens such as E. coli, S. aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Salmonella typhi, Proteus vulgaris amongst others. These microorganisms are responsible for causing various stomach problems. 

Prevents Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is the biggest challenge for advanced medical sector. When you use antibiotics for a long period of time, you increase your risk of becoming antoibiotyic resistant. Researchers have estimated that Gomutra Ark is effective against antibiotic resistant bacteria. 

Combats Cancer

One of the Gomutra ark benefits includes its ability to destroy free radicals in your body. It is quite helpful in battling cancer that occurs because of oxidative stress. With strong antioxidant activity, Gomutra ark safeguards white blood cells. This further enhances immunity and prevents further damage of cellular DNA. Ultimately, it stops the growth of cancer cells and prevents it from spreading across other body parts. Another Gomutra ark benefits is anti-inflammation which helps in reducing inflammation, pain, irritation, swelling and other symptoms which ultimately leads to enhanced quality of life of people dealing with cancer. 

Controls Diabetes Symptoms and Insulin Sensitivity 

Gomutra ark has volatile fatty acids that work as antioxidants. It also has vitamins that work together to manage the glucose levels in the blood. 

Studies have shown that people who have been on the Gomutra ark for 28 days have shown enhanced insulin sensitivity, low blood glucose levels, and improved antioxidant enzyme levels in the blood.  

As mentioned earlier, Gomutra Ark benefits by destroying free radicals which ultimately leads to healthy functioning pancreas and better production of insulin which is active. Regular consumption of Gomutra ark is beneficial for diabetic people and also for those who are at high risk of developing diabetes. 

Hypolipidemic And Hepatoprotective Effects

Consumption of high cholesterol rich food can cause production of pro-inflammatory compounds and free radicals. These compounds are responsible for increased oxidative stress which causes inflamed liver. 

Gomutra ark, when consumed for 30 days, is known to reduce serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels which curbs inflammation of liver and also reduces the risk of liver ailments such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. 

Rectifies Thyroid and Iodine Deficiency

To make thyroid hormones like triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), iodine is necessary.

The pituitary gland produces excess thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) when there is an iodine insufficiency. This overproduction of secretions forces the thyroid gland to expand dramatically, which in turn leads to goiter, premature births, miscarriages, abnormal weight gain or loss, and other shortages in iodine.

Gomutra ark contains 79 to 94 mcg/l of iodine which is rapidly absorbed in the blood stream. Consuming the ark on a daily basis is beneficial for people dealing with thyroid related issues. 

Diuretic Properties 

Detoxification is one of the Gomutra ark benefits that you do not want to miss out. It diminishes crystallization of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate residues. Also, it prevents conversion of oxalates into kidney stone like residues thus curbing the pain and inflammation. 

Gomutra ark has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties. It protects the nephrones in the kidney keeping urinary tract infections away.   

Great For Skin And Wound Healing 

In Ayurveda, Gomutra Ark is used to treat aging signs, acne, pimples, and eczema. Also, cow urine is utilized for wound healing or vulnerability due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal qualities. This amazing liquid can improve skin care and quickly heal cuts, bruises, open wounds, diabetic wounds, and chronic wounds.

Gomutra ark helps your body produce less inflammatory chemicals, increases the amount of collagen in your body, and forms granulation tissue, all of which contribute to faster wound healing without the need for subsequent infections.

Indications of Gomutra ark

Gomutra ark has same usages as pure Gomutra. Some of them are listed below:

  • Stomach issues with kapha dominance
  • Constipation (kapha dominance)
  • Stomach pain (kapha and vata origin)
  • Heaviness in the abdomen 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Intestinal worms 
  • Itching without burning, heat or redness 
  • Ascites 
  • Edema  

Along with the indications mentioned above, according to feedbacks submitted by people and surveys carried out, Gomutra ark benefits are prominent in other indications. Please note that these usages are not included by Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. Here is the list:

  • Cancer
  • Leucorrhea
  • Jaundice
  • Kidney disease
  • Asthma
  • Non-bleeding piles
  • Indigestion (Kapha originated)
  • Ear problems
  • Urinary disorders
  • Diarrhea with mucus 
  • Rheumatic arthritis
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Hernia
  • Tumor
  • Diabetes
  • Flatulence
  • Splenomegaly
  • Carbuncle
  • Diabetic ulcer
  • Eczema with pus
  • Ringworm
  • Liver problems 
  • Obesity

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