Coconut oil is one of the most widely used oils across the globe. It can be used in food, cosmetics, and some medicines. It is mainly used coconut oil for hair. In this article, we are going to learn how to use coconut oil for hair to reap maximum benefits. 

Coconut Oil For Hair

Using anything in excess ends up giving you bad results; coconut oil is not an exception to this rule. This article will help you understand better ways of using coconut oil to get healthy and beautiful hair. 

Coconut Oil For Hair

About coconut oil

The meat or kernel of coconuts is used to make coconut oil, adaptable edible oil. Because of its many applications and possible health benefits, it has become more and more popular in recent years.

More than 80% of the fat in coconut oil is saturated, making up the majority of its fat composition. Additionally, it has trace levels of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Lauric acid, the main saturated fat found in coconut oil, is thought to have some health advantages.

Because of its medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), especially lauric acid, coconut oil is seen as healthful by some even though it has a high content of saturated fats. Compared to long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), which are present in the majority of other dietary lipids, MCTs are digested differently by the body.

To optimize the potential advantages of incorporating coconut oil into your diet or skincare routine, it is imperative to select premium, unprocessed coconut oil. Furthermore, it is advisable to speak with a healthcare provider, particularly if you are concerned about your intake of dietary fat or have any underlying medical disorders.

Coconut oil is the best for getting thicker, longer, and shiny hair. Following are the benefits you get when you start applying coconut hair oil:

Treats damaged hair perfectly 

Because damaged hair frequently lacks moisture, it can become dry, brittle, and break easily. Lauric acid, one of the fatty acids found in abundance in coconut oil, has a strong affinity for the proteins found in hair. Deep hydration and moisture from within are provided by its penetration of the hair shaft. This lessens the likelihood of breakage by helping damaged hair regain its elasticity and flexibility.

According to research, coconut oil can lessen the loss of protein in hair that is not damaged. Coconut oil reduces the amount of protein lost from the hair shaft during washing and combing when applied to the hair either before washing or as a leave-in treatment. By doing this, additional harm can be avoided and the integrity of damaged hair can be preserved.

Treats dandruff and dry scalp 

Lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid are among the naturally occurring antifungal chemicals found in coconut oil. On the scalp, an overabundance of the yeast-like fungus Malassezia is frequently the source of dandruff. By fighting this fungus, coconut oil’s antifungal qualities might lessen the symptoms of dandruff.

Dandruff is frequently caused by a dry scalp. Because of its deep moisturizing properties, coconut oil may assist in moisturizing the scalp and lessen the flakiness and dryness of dandruff. Restoring the balance of moisture and relieving scalp irritation are two benefits of applying coconut oil.

Using coconut oil on the scalp regularly can assist in enhancing its general health. Coconut oil can feed the scalp and encourage a healthy oil balance, which can reduce the likelihood of dandruff developing.

Boosts hair growth 

According to some research, using coconut oil to massage the scalp may help increase blood flow to the hair follicles. Increased oxygen and nutrition delivery to the hair follicles through improved blood flow may promote the creation of new hair.

By strengthening the hair and minimizing breakage, coconut oil may help prevent hair loss even if it may not directly promote the growth of new hair. Coconut oil can keep the density and thickness of hair, giving the appearance of fuller hair while also promoting health and integrity.

Reduces split ends 

Split ends, which occur when the hair shaft divides into two or more strands, are a frequent issue with damaged hair. Coconut oil can help temporarily seal the ends of damaged hair, reducing frizz and preventing future splitting, even if it cannot heal split ends entirely. Coconut oil can be used regularly to minimize split ends and encourage healthy development in damaged hair.

How to include coconut oil in your hair care routine


Applying coconut oil before shampooing your hair acts as a barrier between the hair surface and water. It does not allow water to penetrate the hair shafts thus preventing damage and dryness. 


You can either replace the artificial conditioner or mix a few drops of coconut oil in your favorite conditioner to ensure your hair remains beautifully soft and shiny. 

Hair mask

Coconut oil can be an excellent addition to your favorite hair mask. Be it an egg hair mask or an aloe Vera mask; adding a spoonful of coconut oil brings in amazing results.  

A sunscreen for hair 

Coconut oil does more than add shine to your hair. You can always apply some coconut oil before stepping out in the sun as it protects your hair from harmful UV rays. 

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