When you step out of the home or search online for cooking oils these days, you shall find an array of options for your kitchen. There are not only a variety of seed and vegetable-based oil available in the market but also of the extract from their sources. In the contemporary way, refined oils incorporate the rapid method of extraction to obtain as much as oil possible, needing less manual labor and higher production. 

Difference Between Wood Pressed And Cold Pressed Oil

Even though, refined oil has become a common norm these days, there is still a vast majority of people who are connected with their traditional roots. There are various ways to refer them, however, the generalized term which is often heard is wood pressed oil. Though, people often mistake these traditional oils with cold pressed oils. But what are the things that makes these two oils so distinct from one another. Here, we shall discuss the fundamental differences between wood pressed oil and cold pressed oil and explain them in a chronological order.

What is wood pressed oil?

As the name mentions, wood pressed oils are extracted with the help of wooden pestles that presses and crushes seeds for the extraction of oil. one of the main things you need to understand about method of wood pressing is that wood pestle is being used along with wooden collector for pressing and collecting oil. this entire process is carried out at a low temperature which is below 40 degrees. Any increase in the temperature is absorbed by the wooden pestle and it does not generate any friction. 

What are the benefits of using wood pressed oil

Wood pressed oil has various health benefits since it is chemical free and low cholesterol levels. 

It also helps in preventing heart disease and enhances your blood circulation.

Wood pressed oil also helps in maintaining healthy skin and growth of hair. The oil is also filled with antioxidants that aids in strengthening the jaw and avoid bleeding gums. 

What is cold pressed oil?

Cold pressed oils use the same principle as wood pressed one but can be used for different method of extraction. The pestle is wooden but the whole machine is of iron and steel. The entire process is done at low temperature and thus is called “cold-pressed”. The oil that is extracted might comprise some of the impurities and may not be as nutritional like the wood-pressed oil. 

What are the nutritional benefits of cold-pressed oil?

Like wood-pressed, cold pressed oil is also free from preservatives and chemicals, which makes it a healthier option. The oil is high in fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants and also vitamins E, K, and C. 

It can help in reducing several health issues such as blood pressure level and cognitive disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s. By reducing the cholesterol level, it eliminates many of the health risks. Apart from that, it also helps in improving insulin sensitivity in diabetic people.

What is the elementary difference between wood-pressed oil and cold pressed oil?

Though there are similarities in the extraction process of both the oils, there are some fundamental differences between the two. Cold pressed oil comprises a broader spectrum that includes different types of mechanism that are useful for extracting oil at low temperature. Wood pressed oils involves extraction via wooden pestles. Here, you have to note that wood pressed oil applies the cold pressing method which actually makes them cold pressed oil.

Thus, it means that all wood pressed oils are also referred as cold pressed oils, not vice versa. If it is explained with the help of a Venn diagram, the smaller circle of wood pressed oils and is enclosed within a larger circle cold pressed oil. 

The main thing is that the product that you get from these methods are low, however, both cold and wood pressed oils are better options for your health. It becomes more inevitable when it is compared with the modern refined oil that is made by using immense heat and additives for oil extraction. It means that the oil obtained by traditional way has more nutrients and benefits whereas refined oil can do more harm to you over a period of time.                           

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